Monday, March 23, 2009

Catering our own wedding?

Melvin and I have many excellent cooks in our families, and we both love cooking. Then....there are these places where you can buy lots of food in bulk and cook for your whole month, to save money or something. But I was thinking, that instead of cooking for a family of four for the whole month, we could cook for a family of 120 for one night. Er, something. So we might cater our own wedding, or at least, I'm looking into it. If we do this, add it to the list of strange things about our wedding:
-it's in my brother chuck's backyard
-my brother marc is our photographer
-my sister jacki is making our cake and (with my sister midge) throwing me a shower. plus jacki's hosting 3 of the guests at her house. she's really way too kind. i'm feeling guilty. moving on...
-my mom and her friend sally are doing all of the flowers
-my mom made the ringbearer's pillow
-i'm making our invitations, and with melvin and a few very kind friends, all of the favors and centerpieces.

there's more to this, but i'll stop here! obviously, it's a family affair.

Monday, March 2, 2009

change gets *slightly* easier in baltimore

if you live in baltimore, you know how hard it has been to recycle!! we have confusing "zones," and weird pick-up dates that are hard to follow, and that are way too far apart for those of us who are making an effort. plus, where we live, you have to carry everything clear around the block to get it picked up. such a pain, 'cause recycling is heavy, right? okay, but the good news. our recycling switched to "single-stream," a while back, meaning you don't have to separate it. better news---you can now recycle all the plastic they wouldn't accept just a few months ago. anything with a number on it, including your yogurt cups and stuff, are accepted:
the official recycling rules for b-more
(notice that you don't have to have the expensive and out of stock yellow bins!!)
and in case you still find yourself with plastic bags, even though you try to use cloth bags whenever you think of it, plastic bags can be recycled at many grocery stores.

am i the only one who finds these changes totally life-altering? um, probably.